
Dementia Resources
Dementia resources help to make communication easier, reduce boredom, encourage reminiscence, provide an enjoyable activity and work as an pleasurable distraction.

Activites to Share

These resources of activity equipment is designed to promote therapeutic engagement with patients with varying degrees of cognitive impairment.
Using activity as a form of therapy can enable staff, patients their carers and family to feel more involved and can help to alleviate distress caused by unfamiliarity
These resources have been carefully selected to encourage staff and carers to actively engage with patients and relatives, trigger treasured memories and encourage reminiscence.
If you wish to access any of the activities, simply contact us. We will discuss options with you and bring your chosen activity to your clinical area.
To view more resources please click here.
We have a collection of audiobooks, CD's and portable CD players.
The CD collection covers The Beatles: One, Elvis: 30 number 1 hits and Doris Day: The ultimate Collection and many more.
Any recommendations for future audio books, are always welcome.
We have a collection of domino packs and playing cards to loan out to patients.
There is also a small collection of adult colouring books, pencils, wordsearches and sudukos.

There are now five RITA (Reminiscence Interactive Therapy Activities) machines in our Trust for patients to interact with. The therapy software on the machines is aimed primarily at dementia patients but can also be used as a distraction therapy for stroke patients and patients with autism. It is aimed to reduce agitation and isolation in hospital by offering a means of distraction in the form of meaningful activities.
The five machines are kept in the locations below but can be used in any area and feedback to Glyn Wildman is greatly appreciated:​
Palliative Care

BAME Resources
The Alzheimer's Society has developed a information programme for South Asian Families to provide effective support and information to people with dementia. The film is available in Urdu, Hindi, English and Hindi with English subtitles.
They also publish real life stories in their 'Dementia together magazine'. The stories cover topics on how people have adapted to the impact of dementia & caring for a loved one with Dementia.

Older Person Team
The older person team have enhanced skills and knowledge in the care of a person living with Dementia, suffering with delirium and patients who may have a risk of falls. We aim to reduce hospital admissions and decrease the length of stay of the older person.
We provide training to all staff members, patient and carer support and assists the MDT with discharge planning.
If patients , carers or staff members need any information or assistance regarding a persons care we would always encourage you to speak to the ward team but if unable don't hesitate to call us for help or advice on 01246 513731.