
The Library & Knowledge Service is here to support all NHS employees of Chesterfield Royal Hospital NHS Foundation Trust & Derbyshire Community Health Services (DCHS) to deliver excellent patient care. We also support students whilst they are on placement here. There is a dedicated website for Derbyshire Community Health Services staff and Derbyshire primary care and CCG staff.
Admin & Clerical Resources
You can browse, read and monitor current journal content on your mobile device, laptop or desktop PC with Browzine. It brings together articles from our subscribed journals and Open Access material into a single place.
For full-text access you will need an Open Athens account.
NHS Knowledge and Library Hub
The NHS Knowledge and Library Hub connects staff and learners seamlessly to a range of high quality knowledge and evidence resources all in one place.
You can access the Hub here. For full-text access you will need an Open Athens account.
BMJ Best Practice
BMJ Best Practice is a trusted clinical decision support tool which provides healthcare professionals with access to the latest relevant clinical information when making diagnosis and treatment decisions
For more information please click here.
Alternatively go directly to BMJ Best Practice
We have a large selection of eBooks available to browse, read online or download to your computer or electronic device.
To access our eBook collection you will need an OpenAthens account. You can register for an account here.
You can find eBooks via the library catalogue or directly through your OpenAthens login.
ClinicalKey supports healthcare professionals with the latest evidence in a variety of formats, including full-text reference books and journals, point-of-care monographs, drug information, videos, practice guidelines, customised patient education handouts and more.
Discover the full content in the speciality packages available to you.
Gastroenterology & Hepatology
Internal Medicine
Obstetrics & Gynaecology
KnowledgeShare is our web-based current awareness system. It will allow you to receive the latest best quality evidence in your field supporting evidence-based practice direct to your inbox.
You can register for KnowledgeShare here
You will need an OpenAthens account registered with us.
Login to KnowledgeShare here.
Research Repository
The Chesterfield Royal Research Repository collates & stores all the fantastic work produced by staff members whilst working at our Trust.
It showcases research papers, conference posters, theses & books.
Royal Marsden Manual
The Royal Marsden Manual brings together all the latest clinical evidence.
The Manual includes over 350 evidence-based clinical procedures related to every aspect of care, from handwashing to cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
You can access the online version by logging in using your Open Athens login here.