
What We Do
We provide library services for all NHS employees working in the Chesterfield and Derbyshire area, as well as students on clinical placement. Our aim is to deliver a high quality service to support learning development, research, patient care and public health.
Our Library & Knowledge Service Strategy
You can view our Library & Knowledge Service Strategy for 2023 - 2025 here

Chesterfield Royal Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Information
Chesterfield Royal Hospital was built in the 1980s and became a foundation trust in 2005. The hospital serves five local districts with a population of approximately 441,000.
The hospital provides 682 inpatient beds and employs over 3,500 staff. In the year 2013-14 there were more than 71,000 inpatient admissions and 257,000 outpatient attendances; over 67,000 patients attended the accident and emergency department.
Click here to visit the Trust's website.
Our Proud to Care Values
Compassion - we treat patients and colleagues with compassion, kindness and respect
Achievement - we provide a professional, timely and responsive service
Relationships - we strive to create positive and lasting relationships with our patients, staff and our partners
Environment - we provide a welcoming and friendly environment conducive to study and research